Year: 2013

Tea time, day 2

What a great day! The weather has been very kind to us and we have enjoyed a day of art and water sports. Hopefully your postcards will arrive before we get back home! Artists at work! Great sailing! Now enjoying sausage and mash…

Breakfast, day 2

Well, the children managed to sleep through heavy rain and a thunderstorm… unlike the adults! All breakfasted, weather dry and off for water sports .

Tea time, day 1

                The weather has stayed dry and we have been settling in, playing games and cooking tea. All cheerful and full of beans! ! Great cakes thanks! Now off to the beach to tire them out before bed time!

St Mary’s day 1

Well, we’re here! The crossing was wet, but not too bad at all. Very few poorly sailors! Enjoying our packed lunches now.

Lunchtime, day three

Well, we have finished our last activity and are just having our lunch. We are all packed up and will be setting off shortly. See you back at school at normal picking up time.

Day two, bedtime

Sorry this is a late one, but it has been a busy day! All are well and pretty tired an active day, followed by the Zebras talent show. The weather has been pretty kind to us – not very sunny, but we have avoided most of the rain…