Year: 2015

Day 2 – 8am

Well, we’ve survived the first night and are tucking in to breakfast now. The forecast is for an improving picture, and spirits are high!    


We’ve just finished our first lot of activities. The weather has been kind so far. Roast dinner tonight.    

Arrived safely!

Thanks to all the parents who drove this morning. We are all here safely and are now doing the grand tour!

Home again!

Thank you to the staff for all their hard work this week. Thank you to the parents who drove cars and vans.  Your children were a credit to you all – we were very proud of them. 

Day 5 – evening

19:25 and we have arrived at Penzance after a smooth crossing. Now need to unload, pack and get to McDonalds. Will update on timings later. 

Day 5 – morning

Well, all packed and luggage stowed in container for the ferry. Rock pooling, then lunch, followed by last minute gift buying in town this afternoon.  We are due to… dock at 19:15, but I will keep you updated once we are on our way.