Forest School


Forest School provides a key part of our provision for EYFS. All EYFS children have weekly Forest School sessions throughout the year. Additionally, the school runs a Forest School Club for children from Year 1 to Year 6. Teachers select children from their classes to take part in these sessions. Images from our most recent Forest School sessions are shown below.

Forest School is a long term, child-centred learning process that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. Forest School enables children to explore and discover their own personal boundaries whilst encouraging them to try things for themselves.


We are very lucky to have a Forest School area in our school grounds. Here our children can learn valuable life skills such as; teamwork, perseverance and risk management, whilst developing practical skills such as; cooking over a camp fire, planting trees, using tools and learning about the natural world around them.


The hand book below outlines our ethos and how we organise and run our Forest School sessions. It also explains our health and safety, first aid and risk management procedures.
