General Blog Posts

Self Reliant Journey – 9.40am

After looking at the forecast and discussion with the Sailing school, we have decided to not sail around St Anthony Head. Instead the children will be sailing upriver, where it is more sheltered. All happy and excited! 

Day 3 – lunchtime

Well, a much better night’s sleep! The last activities finished and lunch being eaten. Just a bit of cleaning and we’ll be on our way. Should be back at school for the normal finishing time, if not a bit before…   

Bed time – day 2

What a busy day! Lots of energy spent. The weather was kind to us. Just had hot chocolate and are settling down for sleep. 

Day 2 – 8am

Well, we’ve survived the first night and are tucking in to breakfast now. The forecast is for an improving picture, and spirits are high!    


We’ve just finished our first lot of activities. The weather has been kind so far. Roast dinner tonight.    

Arrived safely!

Thanks to all the parents who drove this morning. We are all here safely and are now doing the grand tour!