Year 1 and 2 are known as Elephant Class are taught by Mrs Sampson and Mrs Crowe
Welcome to our 2023/34 Class!
Our Spring 1 Topic is ‘Bright Lights, Big City’.
In this topic your child will learn about the stories of local and city based landmarks. I have attached a Knowledge Organiser for this topic, so that you can help your child with prior knowledge and key topic vocabulary.
We began our topic with sharing our knowledge of London Landmarks. The children had so much information and wrote some exciting sentences! We then used construction to build models of our chosen landmark. We made the London Eye, Big Ben and many more!
They will learn about the countries that make up the United Kingdom, including their own location, captial cities and some of their physical and human features.
The children will have the to opportunity to do map work, using positional and directional language to plan routes around London.
In Design Technology the children will research moving mechainisms and make their own cars. In Art we will learn how to sketch landmarks using detail, line and tone.
Our Literacy focus will be on the book ‘The Great Fire of London, By Emma Adams we will research the cause and impact of the Great Fire. This will also be our History focus. We will also use Topsy and Tim visit London as a stimulus.
In numeracy, Year 1 children will continue to develop their knowledge of Place Value and addition and subtraction. Year 2 children will learn how to use money and develop an understanding of multiplication and division.
Below is a link to a Knowledge Organiser that will help your child with key vocabulary and concepts.
knowledge-organiserWelcome to our 2022/23 Class!
Our Autumn 2 topic has been To the Rescue! We have been doing a lot of learning outside the classroom this half term. We visited the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth and we learned about famous Cornish Shipwrecks and learned about the emergency services that help us at sea. This trip covered so many subjects from history, geography and even science when we made and sailed our own boats!

We also finished of our last topic The Big Build with a trip to a real building site. We loved looking at the all the different stages of house building and we found so many interesting building materials.

In RE, we learned about the features of a Christian Church. We walked to our lovely local church of St Goran and discovered many of the features for ourselves.

Our Autumn Term topic is The Big Build! This is an amazing topic to enthuse our new class.
We base our literacy work from the Literacy Curriculum and we chose the book ‘Wolves’ by Emily Gravett. This led us to plan reports about wolves and we had alot of discussion about the ‘fact and fiction’ we all know about wolves, from them having 42 to teeth to enjoying knitting bonnets for Grandmas!
We ended our literacy unit this term by using Pie Corbett storytelling techniques to help us remember the classic tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’. This method enabled us to write the story independently with some impressive vocabulary.

In maths we have covered number and place value and this will help us form a sound knowledge on which to build our mathematically understanding this year. We love learning practically as much as we can!

We have loved our science work this term and we have throughly enjoyed learning about materials and their properties. We designed and built houses using natural materials in our amazing outdoor spaces. The highlight was Mrs Sampson using her leaf blower as the wrath of the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ which tried to blow the houses down. We then had the opportunity to explore how to strengthen structures in order to improve our houses.

Our Spring Term 2022 Topic was Plants and Growth and it has been a perfect time to get our school ready for Spring. We have learnt about seed dispersal and what plants need to grow.
We also enjoyed a whole school science week which was based on the theme of ‘Growth’.
We investigated how seeds grow in different conditions and we even dissected bean seeds to identify the important sections and where the shoots develop.
We are lucky enough to have a school pond and even luckier that it is home to frogspawn and tadpoles. We loved carrying out a pond survey to see what was living within it.
We enjoyed lots of time outside and we weeded the raised beds around the school and re planted them with some beautiful spring flowers. The children have loved this half term and we all feel that Spring has arrived.
Thanks to Pengelly Garden Centre at Hewaswater for allowing us to visit and enrich our topic even further.

Our first Spring topic of 2022 was Animals and Humans. We learnt about life cycles and studied Mrs Sampson’s favourite book the Tadpole’s Promise by Jeanne Willis.
We have also learnt about what humans need to be healthy and enjoyed some fun cooking sessions.

We also explored our outdoor environment and used technology to identify trees around our locality. We used the Woodland Trust App which was fun and easy to use.

As part of our Beginnings and Endings Unit in RE we explored how people celebrate Chinese New Year. We loved eating with chopsticks and learning how to write numbers in Chinese writing,

During Spring 2021 we learned about The Romans and we were fascinated with the story of Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius. We have creat some brilliant Roman Shields in art and we enjoyed an in depth study of the book ‘The Escape from Pompeii’.

We studied the inspiring story of Mary Seacole as part of our ‘Superhero’ topic. The children created a display for our school hall which included watercolour portraits and written work in the form of letters from Queen Victoria and ‘The Times’ newspaper reports written by the reporter William Russell!

The Spring Term 2020 topic was Brilliant Bodies

We have had so much fun learning about how to keep healthy and about how amazing our bodies are.
We have really enjoyed visiting Pizza Express in Newquay where we learnt about healthy food and we even made our own Pizzas.
In science we planned and carried out an experiment to learn about the effects of different drinks our teeth.
These were the results of our experiment!
We were shocked to see how much fizzy drinks and orange juice damaged our teeth!

Our Autumn Term 2019 topic was The Big Build
In Literacy we learnt the story of the Three Little Pigs and how to write instructions for How to make a strong house. This was supported by our topic work which was based on materials and their properties.
In Numeracy worked hard on our place value and number unit which will provided with a solid foundation for the rest of the years numeracy work.
In Design and Technology we enjoyed designing floor plans and making our own houses strong enough to withstand the force of the Big Bad Wolf! We also learned about hinge mechanisms and we had to make sure our design had at least one hinge.
We enforced our learning by visiting a real construction site where we learnt about what materials are used for house building. Thanks to Wainhomes at Tregorrick Park for allowing us to visit.
As you can see the children were so enthusiastic about their visit. Some of us even dressed up as builders to really get into the role of working on a construction site!