Spring term
English/ History
The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell Boyce, children will explore the experiences of refugees and the reasons why people have to flee countries to seek asylum.
They will write extended narratives in the style of a journal, recorded as a series of diary entries. There are also opportunities to write explanation texts about a science experiment, mirroring the text, as well as non-chronological reports, following research about Mongolia.
Incredible Journeys by Levison Wood
This beautiful book allows us to walk alongside real-life explorer Levison Wood to travel around the world, meeting some of history’s most
daring pioneers, and be inspired to go on our very own adventures!
On a journey through history, we venture into journeys along the Silk Road and medieval pilgrimages to the Holy Land, to Captain Cook’s voyages of discovery and Amelia Earhart’s daring feats of bravery, as well as learning about recent missions to the Moon and the Mariana Trench.
Preparation for our Spring 2 designs:
Climate Science: scientific facts about why climate change is happening.
What is design? Identify how their skills can be effectively used to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Climate Change, All Change design project with Aurelie (a local designer).
Children will learn how fashion designing can be achieved with minimal impact on the environment through silks such as printing, knitting and dying fabrics
Investigating Our World
Healthy relationships
Healthy Me
This project teaches children about the significance and art of the Taotie motif.
See DT/Science
Parinirvana: Buddhism
Lailat al Miraj: Islam
Please sign your child’s diary to show that they have read every day for at least 20 minutes. This will be checked on Mondays.
Daily reading alone, is proven to make an incredible difference to your child’s confidence, communication and vocabulary in every aspect of their learning, development and social interactions.
Maths 5 a day
This will be given out and collected on Mondays. If they wish to explore our topic further, we would appreciate them sharing it with us and/or the class.
Possible Visits
Any ideas or speakers related to our topics that you may be able to recommend or assist with would be welcomed.
Thank you

Sailing in the autumn and summer term.

Leading Golden Time activities