Special Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs are any needs that a child may have which affects their ability to learn. This may include their:

  • Behaviour or ability to socialise
  • Reading and writing
  • Ability to understand things
  • Concentration levels
  • Physical needs or impairments.

At Gorran we believe that all children should be valued and we aim to be inclusive of all children, whatever needs they may have. The school uses a range of teaching techniques and resources to allow access to the curriculum for all. In 2020 we were re-accredited for the Inclusive, Dyslexia Friendly Schools Mark. More information about Dyslexia can be found on the British Dyslexia Association website: here

The facilities we have and the education we provide are tailored to meet individual needs both inside and outside of the classroom environment. Staff at Gorran are all trained to cater for the needs of the children in their care and many staff have had additional training specific to individual children.

Process of identification of SEN

Identifying whether a child does or does not have a special educational need is often a challenge which is why we will always talk to you if we have a concern about your child. Similarly, we ask that you always talk to us if you have a concern.

Concerns from your child’s class teacher are then passed on to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo), Mrs Bye, who may then carry out observations of your child in class, look at their work and talk with your child to gain more information.

As a part of this process we will put in place additional interventions to support your child. This may be in the form of further in class support, short-term specific interventions, 1:1 sessions, home-school interventions, or other learning interventions developed on an individual need basis as well as support from external agencies where appropriate.

Levels of Support

Once your child has begun receiving additional support for their needs a Provision Plan will be drawn up, detailing short-term specific targets. This will also tell you and your child how these targets will be supported and how you will know if the targets have been met. Parents will be invited to a short meeting to review the Provision Plan on a termly basis. These reviews take place in October, February / March and May / June and are in addition to the normal Parent Consultation Meetings.

If your child continues to have difficulty in one or more areas then the SENDCo may refer them to external agencies who may carry out an assessment of your child’s needs. Examples of these agencies include the Speech and Language Therapy Service, Occupational Therapy Service, Cognition and Learning Team and Educational Psychology Team. Advice from these professionals is then acted upon and reviewed regularly.

Despite taking purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the needs of your child, there are sometimes occasions where children still do not make the progress we would expect. In these cases we would work together with you and your child to consider requesting an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment. This is where we would begin to involve the Cornwall Local Authority in assessing the needs of your child, who may decide to issue an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

More information about the EHCP process can be found on the Family Information Service website:


Resources and Support for Parents

One of the most useful resources and sources of information is the Cornwall Family Information Service. www.supportincornwall.org.uk/kb5/cornwall/directory/home.page. They are the ‘go to’ people for advice on all aspects of family life, including SEN.

Another wonderful service in Cornwall is the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) who offer free confidential, independent and impartial support for parents. They can be contacted on (01736) 751921 or via their website www.cornwallsendiass.org.uk.

Local offer

Here are links to our SEN Information report, Local Offer and answers to frequently asked questions:

Gorran School Information Report for Special Educational Needs: SEN Information Report September 2023

SEN Local Offer: Gorran School SEND Local Offer 2023

Gorran School’s response to Frequently Asked Questions about SEN: Answers to FAQs September 2023

SEN Leaflet for parents: Gorran SEN Leaflet

Other useful websites:







We also keep a record of higher achieving pupils, and track their progress. Some will be identified as being gifted or talented. We will try to provide activities that will encourage these children’s abilities.

The school is accessible to wheelchair users, with ramps to the majority of doorways.