
We do have a school uniform at Gorran School; Grey or black trousers or skirt; white polo shirt and a royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan. Socks or tights should be white, grey or black and shoes should be black (not trainers; shoes are healthier for young feet).
The only jewellery that children may wear are studs if they have pierced ears and a small gold signet ring. For health and safety reasons all jewellery must be removed for all PE activities.
We do not insist that your children wear tops with the school logo, however if you would like school uniform with our school logo, including polo shirts, PE T-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces and cardigans, then these are available from Cornwall Screenprint – either drop in to their St Austell shop or click here for click and collect or online ordering.

If you do not have internet access, then please see Mrs Dowling in the school office, who will be happy to help.

Gorran School UniformWe usually have a selection of good second hand uniform. If you are interested, Mrs Dowling will be able to help with this too.Please help us by making sure that every item of clothing is named. It is a nightmare trying to sort out thirty identical School sweatshirts etc!!


Un-named clothing will be collected in lost property boxes.


PE Kit
The children take part in regular P.E. activities and so need an appropriate change of clothing. Your child will need plain shorts, a royal blue T-shirt, a change of socks, plimsolls or training shoes and a bag to keep them in. Gorran T-shirts are available from the website mentioned above. In colder weather it would be sensible to provide your child with leggings and sweatshirt for when they do outside games. For health and safety reasons all jewelry must be removed for all PE activities.